Espożizzjoni tal-Kurċifiss Mirakuluż

March 10, 2015
Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 20 ta’ Marzu fil-Knisja ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ġesu’ (Ta’ Ġieżu) il-Belt se jiġi espost il-Kurċifiss Mirakuluż għall-qima tal-poplu. Taħt it-tema ta: "Aħna nxandru 'l Kristu msallab... qawwa u għerf ta' Alla." matul il-ġurnata se jkun hemm quddies, kif ukoll mumenti fejn il-partijiet se jkunu disponibbli għal-qrar. Wara kull quddiesa se jsir talb ta' Fejqan quddiem l-istess Kurċifiss. Il-Programm hu hekk: Quddies: 7.15 am - immexxija minn P Albert Micallef OFM 8.00 am - immexxija minn P Raymond Camilleri OFM 9.00 am - immexxija minn P Raymond Falzon OFM 10.00 am - immexxija minn P Twanny Chircop OFM 11.00 am - immexxija mill-E.T. Mons Pawlu Cremona O.P., Arċisqof Emeritus 12.15 pm - immexxija minn P Marcello Ghirlando OFM 1.15 pm - immexxija minn P Raymond ...

March 06, 2015
Just before concluding his 5 year term working at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Fr. George Bugeja, ofm received a word of thanks for his time and dedication by the Prefect of the Congregation His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni: "Your term of office at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is nearing completion. I would, therefore, like to express the heartfelt appreciation of this Missionary Dicastery for your valuable collaboration in the service of the Church in missionary lands. As a true son of Saint Francis of Assisi, you showed yourself to be a fine Religious and faithful Priest. Thank you for your personal witness to authentic Religious Life and for your zeal and commitment to the Work of the missions. Your joyful disposition ...

March 05, 2015
Il-Ministru Provinċjal Patri Richard S. Grech ofm flimkien mad-Definitorju, ħatar lil P.Stephen Magro ofm bħala,‘Animatur Vokazzjonali’. Huwa ser ikun responsabli mill-ħidma vokazzjonali kollha fil-provinċja. Dan wara r-rezenja ta’ P. Joseph Ciappara ofm biex ikun jista jkompli l-istudji tiegħu għad-Dottorat fl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Biex ikun jista jaqdi dan il-Ministeru aħjar b’risq dawk li jixtiequ jħaddnu l-Ħajja Franġiskana P.Stephen ħass li jkun aħjar li ma jibqgħax Gwardjan tal-Fraternita tar-Rabat, b’seħħ fi tmiem il-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp fid-19 ta’ Marzu 2015. Patri Stephen huwa wkoll Mastru tal-Postulanti u Segretarju għall-Formazzjoni u Studji. Bħala Animatur, wara l-Għid huwa ser jattendi għall-Seminar li ser issir f’Ruma għall-Animaturi Vokazzjonali fl-okkazjoni ...

March 05, 2015
Cuortesy of Fr. Norbert Ellul Vincenti ofm who is providing once more these photos to share. In the first photo there is Fr. Joseph Benedict Xuereb ofm celebrating his Prima Messa. In the photo one can recognize Fr. Bernard Bartolo ofm, Fr. John Joseph Camilleri ofm, Fr. Charles Tonna ofm, Fr. Norbet Ellul Vincenti ofm, Fr. Gregory Imbroll ofm Fr. Anselm Chetcuti ofm and Fr. Alphons M. Galea ofm. The other photos depict Fr. Norbert ofm on stage and forming part of a football team. Incidentally he very conveniently doesn’t remember if he was on the winning or the loosing side. Must be the number of years gone by. Thank you once again for sharing with us these precious reminders of our past. Much appreciated.
Mgr Sylvester Magro ofm thanks for support

February 28, 2015
Bishop Sylvester Magro, who in these days is in Malta enroute to the Vatican for a private meeting with Pope Francis, has left a message of thanks to everyone for the support and prayers. Watch the video below.  