
June 12, 2012
63 years ago today 11th June 2012 Fr. Anthony Busuttil having been a franciscan friar at that time, celebrated the anniversary of his priestly ordination. Fr. Charles Grech and Fr. Stephen Magro who are residing in Pimlico -- London planned to visit him in Hastings some 70 miles down the road where he resides and together we celebrated the Holy Eucharist (more…)

May 24, 2012
Nhar it-3 ta' Mejju l-Arcisqof ta' Malta Mons. P. Cremona O.P., flimkien ma' Dun Alfred Vella, beda vjagg li hadu f' S. Francisco, Honduras u Kuba. Huwa l-ewwel arciqisof Malti li zar lil hutna l-patrijiet fil-Honduras. Nhar il-11 tax-xahar huwa wasal fl-ajruport ta' Tegucigalpa fejn laqghawh Mons. R. Camilleri OFM, Mons. J. Bonello OFM u P. Albert Gauci OFM. Wara li zar lil Kardinal O. A. Rodriguez, huwa beda vjagg ta 3 sieghat ghal Juticalpa, (more…)

May 15, 2012
The May 2012 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here.

April 24, 2012
Nhar it-23 t' April, ghal xi l-11.15 pm miet P. Arthur Azzopardi fid-Dar tal-Kleru, B'Kara fl-eta ta' 89 sena. P. Turu twieled Tas-Sliema fid-19 ta' Frar 1923, iben Arthur u Carmen nee' Pace. Dahal mal-Patrijiet Minuri fit-3 t' Ottubru 1937. Ghamel l-ewwel weghdiet fil-21 ta' Frar 1939. Il-Professjoni Solenni ghamilha nhar l-1 ta' Novembru 1944 u gie ordnat presbiteru nhar it-13 ta' Marzu 1948. (more…)

April 14, 2012
The April 2012 issue of “OFM-LINK” is again online. It contains various news items and articles regarding our province and the Franciscan Order. For more info click OFM-LINK on the above bar to download or click here.